Explanation of Guina Coreless Axial Flux Multi-Stator Machines

“Premium power to weight and efficiency”

Our machines are really electromagnetic turbines as they have multiple rotors just like steam or jet turbines. This is the reason why they produce very high power to weight and are vibration free.

Guina Coreless Axial Flux permanent magnet machines are being developed with the dual aim of producing the maximum possible power to weight ratio while maintaining an overall efficiency of 98%. These machines are targeted at applications where maximum power to weight is required while also maintaining maximum efficiency. This minimizes energy consumption, while extending battery range. These machines are designed for operation at a constant current density of only 6 A/mm².

These machines are coreless and have no cogging torque which enables torque to be delivered smoothly.

Electrical motors operating at a stator winding current density of 6 A/mm² produce 12 times less heat than when running on 20 A/mm². Overall energy losses in electrical motors are generally dominated by the Joule heating, which grow very fast with increased working current density of the motor. Guina has a proprietary motor design, that allows for high torque densities with relatively low operating currents, this is how Guina machines achieve their exceptional efficiency. Our machines can operate at various combinations of amperages and voltages depending on the application requirements.

Guina machines have a multi-stator structure which allows the integration of an electromagnetic gearbox feature as well as increasing redundancies to failure. Due to lesser thermal shock these machines have longer operating life. Also air-cooled motors have no piping, radiators, pumps or fluids therefore their simplicity and reliability is improved.

Guina Coreless Axial Flux 3 & 4-Stator Machines

“Premium power to weight and efficiency”

Our 4-stator machines produce higher power to weight and torque than 3-stator machines.

Note: Using Halbach Array magnetic geometry, our IP would increase power to weight of our machines by approximately 12%.

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